The Delaware Department of Education is excited to invite you to attend our 2nd annual Multilingual Learner Conference. This is a free two-day virtual event entitled "From Abstract to Action: Turning Theory into Practice for Multilingual Learners.” Please join us April 11th and 12th with sessions led by national experts in support of the advancement of the DDOE's vision and commitment to empowering every English learner to be successful in college, career, and life. This year our 2022 virtual conference will focus on Theory to Practice, offering examples of what evidence-based implementation looks and sounds like. Sessions will focus on our key priorities, with both distinguished speakers from the field, as well as Delaware educators who are being spotlighted for their outstanding work with MLLs. More sessions are being added daily, including sessions dedicated to dual language immersion. Participants are welcome to join any, or all, of these engaging sessions. This conference is for all educators, advocates, and constituents interested in advancing outcomes for multilingual learners! Interested participants can learn more about the sessions, presenters, bios and how to register by visiting our conference website at
- delltadelaware