Oribel McFann

Mar 18, 20191 min

DELLTA's 1st Craft & Vendor Fair - Saturday, April 13th, 2019. JOIN US!

Our Spring Fundraising event continues shaping up. Please pass the word along with your fellow colleagues. In addition, some vendors have already shared links to start shopping! Here they are:

1. Thirty One - It’s open now through April 28th. All orders are Direct Ship, so Customers will have their orders sent directly to them.

2. Origami Owl

3. DotdotSmile - Join my Facebook page, DotDotSmile Kerri Hornlein, to access my personal inventory of dresses. Photos are posted on my group page. I will also get more inventory before the event and do a special live sale on my group page a week before the event.

4. Mary Kay

Shared by our Treasurer and Fundraiser Contact Jen B. Thanks!!
