
Apr 14, 20201 min

Call to share Quality Remote Learning/Teaching Resources and Survey from Our Partner RODEL DE

Hi DELLTA Friends and Colleagues, we encourage you to share quality Remote Learning/Teching Resources with fellow EL Colleagues that you're successfully using at this time or have been using with excellent results. Please email us at and we may post on our blog. Thanks!

Our partner Neil K. from the RODEL DE asked us to encourage you provide your input by completing this survey. PLEASE complete it today:)

"...Survey of education needs: Can you please complete the survey below and promote it to your networks by April 15th? I anticipate it will take 10 minutes or less, intended for educators, Students, Parents, Nonprofit or Community members who work with students to gather data about the immediate and anticipated needs in Delaware public education. Please note the specific question asking the needs of EL students.

The direct link Please share with YOUR networks via text/social media, etc. Thanks!
