Oribel McFann

Oct 26, 20191 min

DSU "Delaware Shakespeare"

Please see invite fro below from our member Dr. Bluemel from DSU. Feel free to share with your network:

"The Department of Languages and Literatures is excited to host Delaware Shakespeare on campus Tuesday, October 29th for two FREE PERFORMANCES of Romeo and Juliet (https://delshakes.org/community-tour/). Delaware Shakespeare brings their professional production on the road through a community tour each year. We are privileged to welcome them to our campus for this event. The performances are free of charge and open to the community, but they do require advance ticketing as seating will be limited. Please click on or scan the QR code in the attached flyer

to register for your ticket(s). For further information about the event, please visit Delaware Shakespeare’s website or contact the Department of Languages and Literatures at langlit@desu.edu."
